~ about ~

Due to his relatively young age, Veit brings fresh energy to every project he takes on. He was born right on the cusp of Generation Z, making him a child of the digital age – he lives and breathes digital content. Veit is at home on social media, making sure to stay up-to-date with the latest digital developments.

He knows how to create digital content that is both appealing and effective – with the necessary freshness and dynamism that are essential in today's fast-paced digital world. His films are characterized by their diversity and the crossing of genre boundaries, always maintaining the highest standards both visually and content-wise.

Veit is currently based in Vienna, Austria.


~ selected clients ~

ASICS, Arbeiterkammer, Stadt Wien, Wien Tourismus, Voeslauer, FCIO, Rauch, Österreichische Post AG, win2day, Burger King, Land Niederösterreich